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Affordable, high quality audiology services and hearing aids to meet your n​eeds.  Close to your home.  

Funding available through the Assistive Devices Program, Ontario Disability Support Program, NIHB and Veteran's Affairs.

We Listen

We offer hearing diagnostics and assessments close to your home.  Our services are friendly, affordable and meet your specific needs. 

We Care

We know how important it is to hear the beautiful sounds in life.  We want you to be able to particip​ate fully in your social life, hear your loved ones and the important news of the day. 

We Get Results

We will continue working with you until you hear as well as possible.  You will benefit from our more than 25 year expertise in the hearing industry. 

Why Choose  Phoenix Audiology?


At Phoenix Audiology, we are not about the upselling of hearing aids.  After our hearing diagnostics and assessment, we will discuss with you our findings and what would benefit you.  We will consider your circumstances, your physcial abilities, your wants and needs to prepare a plan of hearing care for you.  There are no high pressure sales and we will help you take all the time you need to make a decision.  

We specialize in noise induced hearing loss and will walk you through the process to establish a claim, so that you can get the care you need. 



Ready To Make an Appointment? 

Call Us Today.

Phoenix Audiology

(705) 805-9630

toll free 1 844 935 1480

Monday to Friday :  10-3pm

Main office:  Unit 9, 145 Regional Rd 24 at the Walden Plaza

Lively, ON

P3Y 1J1

other sites:

  • 28 Water St in Little Current
  • Gore Bay Medical Center

Contact us to learn about our community hearing clinics.

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